
Max Planck

Scientist named Max Planck made a discovery that would change science forever and have a profound impact on our understanding of both light and atomic structure.Max Planck made a big step forward in our understanding of what light is and how it works. In the process, he also advanced our understanding of atomic structure. For these remarkable discoveries, he is now recognized as one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century.

Michael Faraday

Faraday, who became one of the greatest scientist of the 19th century, began his career as a chemist. He wrote a manual of practical chemistry that reveals his mastery of the technical aspects of his art, discovered a number of new organic compounds, among them benzene, and was the first to liquefy a “permanent” gas.

Robert Boyle Contributions

Boyle mainly studied gases.  He discussed the possibility of atoms existing, however his work was greatly impeded by the church.  He attempted alchemy or turning regular metals into gold.  He made gas chambers to study from.  Unlike the greek philosophers, he was doing physical experiments.  He proposed that elements are composed of 'corpuscles' of various types and sizes that are able to organize themselves into groups that represent different chemical substances.  He also was able to distinguish between a mixture and a compound.

Joseph Proust contributions

Proust stated the Law of Definite Proportions.  The law states that the ratio of elements in a compound is always the same/constant.    He also hinted at the 'lego'ness of matter; he believed that matter could be put together in certain patterns to make bigger, different, unique matter. He set it up for Dalton to create the Law of Multiple Proportions and ultimately his Atomic Theory . fun fact   When Napoleon invaded Spain, they burned down his laboratory.

Lavosier contributions

He is also known as the father of modern chemistry proposed the law of conservation of matter. He began the conversation on what an atom was exactly Lavoisier was known for his experimentation skills.  One of his favorite experiments being turing HgO into Hg+O.  He used this experiment to help himself come up with the Law of Conservation.  The law states that matter cannot be made or destroyed.  He also hints at the rearrangement of matter in reactions.  Matter rearranged, but never disappeared .

Dimitri Mendeleyev

dimitri mendeleyev was the one who created the periodic table one of the most importants discoveries in physics . This is the first periodic table in the world

J.J Thomson Atomic model

From this he discovered that no matter what metal the electrodes were made up of or what type of gas was in the tube, the mass to charge ratio was unchanged. He also deducted that there were two parts of atom held together by electrostatic attraction. A heavier part, responsible for the majority of mass of the atom and a negatively charged ‘corpuscle’. This meant that Dalton’s model of an atom was incorrect, since the atom was not the smallest possible particle.